Straight from the NIH (National Institute of Health) site:
"Although safe in most cases, ancient treatments are ignored because neither their active component nor their molecular targets are well defined. This is not the case, however, with curcumin, a yellow-pigment substance and component of turmeric (Curcuma longa), which was identified more than a century ago. For centuries it has been known that turmeric exhibits anti-inflammatory activity, but extensive research performed within the past two decades has shown that the this activity of turmeric is due to curcumin, a diferuloylmethane. This agent has been shown to regulate numerous transcription factors, cytokines, protein kinases, adhesion molecules, redox status and enzymes that have been linked to inflammation. The process of inflammation has been shown to play a major role in most chronic illnesses, including neurodegenerative, cardiovascular, pulmonary, metabolic, autoimmune and neoplastic diseases. In the current review, we provide evidence for the potential role of curcumin in the prevention and treatment of various pro-inflammatory chronic diseases. These features, combined with the pharmacological safety and negligible cost, render curcumin an attractive agent to explore further."
I cook with turmeric every chance I get. But I also learned of a great tea in which you boil 2 cups of water (or any kind of milk including nut milks - they just have more calories), add a teaspoon each of turmeric and ginger powder. Let boil for 10 minutes and add sweetener to taste. I use a special pot for this since the turmeric stains everything but the taste is wonderful and it's MY pick me up in the morning instead of coffee. can help stave off the pain in my joints.