I think a lot about what we have here in the relative safety of the United States where the vast majority of us have food, shelter, jobs and schooling. It makes whatever difficulties I may be facing in my own life pale in comparison to what has happened to over a hundred innocent victims of an attack where no one takes responsibility and the killing will continue from within and without (Syrian opposition groups claim over 100 people, including children, were killed in a 'poisonous gas' attack near Damascus. The regime called the claim 'absolutely baseless.'). So, who's to blame?
According to Doctors Without Borders, three hospitals in Damascus supported by Doctors without Borders, reported to them that they received approximately 3,600 patients displaying neurotoxic symptoms in less than three hours on August 21, 2013. 3,600 patients!
Let's not forget to be grateful for what we have in this country. Kathy's Healthy Living is not only about helping people live healthy lives. It's also about working to help people all over the world to live healthily, away from poisoned and contaminated foods and away from air and water pollution. This extends to the right to be safe from attacks on our very lives...all over the world...no matter what kind of attack (hydro-fracking, GMOs, contaminated water, chemical weapons, unseen drones, chemicals in our health products, too many prescription drugs, unnecessary surgeries, the list goes on and on). To Syria: I wish for you a peaceful existence in the very near future and I will support the causes like Doctors Without Borders (http://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/) and Partners in Health (http://www.pih.org) and media like WBAI in New York (http://www.wbai.org) and Democracy Now! (http://www.democracynow.org) who work to educate people as to what is going on and are hopefully a step toward helping people all over the world gain the right to live in peace.
What do you do to help educate others on better ways for us to coexist peacefully in this world?