Let's say a stone is lodged in a pipe which carries water. Understandably, the stone lowers the rate at which the water flows through the pipe. So, if the pipe is pinched right before the area where the stone is located and the water is allowed to build up, the potential energy of the water that is stopped from flowing, rises. When the pinch before the stone is released, the water flows faster than normal, pushing the obstruction along with it. The obstruction is then removed from the area and enables the water to resume its flow. This is exactly the way acupressure works. The theory states that obstruction in meridians cause the energy to flow slower which results in a malfunction or even dysfunction in the organ that is associated with the meridian. The pressure technique is used to remove the obstruction so that energy can flow with regularity and the organ can be made to resume its normal function.
I read a really interesting analogy of a water pipe for acupressure which makes it more understandable for those of you who just can't get it.
Let's say a stone is lodged in a pipe which carries water. Understandably, the stone lowers the rate at which the water flows through the pipe. So, if the pipe is pinched right before the area where the stone is located and the water is allowed to build up, the potential energy of the water that is stopped from flowing, rises. When the pinch before the stone is released, the water flows faster than normal, pushing the obstruction along with it. The obstruction is then removed from the area and enables the water to resume its flow. This is exactly the way acupressure works. The theory states that obstruction in meridians cause the energy to flow slower which results in a malfunction or even dysfunction in the organ that is associated with the meridian. The pressure technique is used to remove the obstruction so that energy can flow with regularity and the organ can be made to resume its normal function.
Check your bottled water and see how it holds up to EWG's standard from this list of 173 bottled waters that were tested.
http://www.ewg.org/health/report/BottledWater/Bottled-Water-Scorecard/Summary How pure is your bottled water? From Environmental Working Group (EWG) Pure, clean water. That’s what the ads say. But what does the lab say? When you shell out for bottled water, which costs up to 1,900 times more than tap water, you have a right to know what exactly is inside that pricey plastic bottle. Most bottled makers don’t agree. They keep secret some or all the answers to these elementary questions: Where does the water come from? Is it purified? How? Have tests found any contaminants? EWG recommends that you drink filtered tap water. You'll save money, drink water that’s purer than tap water and help solve the global glut of plastic bottles. I have a filter on my faucet and a filtered water pitcher in the fridge for nice, fresh, cold water anytime. I use Brita since their filters are recyclable at some Whole Foods Markets (Ridgewood is the one I use - Don't think Paramus recycles them yet). Until the federal Food and Drug Administration cracks down on water bottlers, use EWG's Bottled Water Scorecard to find brands that disclose the water's source location, treatment and quality and that use advanced treatment methods to remove a broad range of pollutants. Do you shun the flu vaccine but still want to protect yourself from getting the flu? Here's some helpful information.
About the Flu Vaccine Vaccinations are controversial – flu shots usually contain mercury, a potent neurotoxin, and are not always specific for this year’s version of the flu. This is because they are manufactured before the actual strain causing this year’s flu is known. Consequently, the flu shot doesn’t always confer protection and may actually cause illness from adding to the body’s toxic load. Still, many people take the flu shot and this is not about telling you NOT to get one. That's a choice you make for yourself. Don't want to take the flu shot? For those who don't want the flu shot, here's one alternative -- The best, non-toxic defense against the flu is Oscillococcinum (ah-sill-o-cox’-sin-um), available at most drug stores, grocery stores and health food stores. Oscillococcinum has been shown in clinical studies to decrease the duration and intensity of flu symptoms. Starting this week, line everyone up once or twice a week. Give everyone a capful of the little pellets from a vial of Oscillococcinum. Take the tablets under the tongue (sublingual). It's better because it goes into your system bloodstream faster than if it had to go through your entire digestive tract. Let the pellets dissolve. Remember to take it 15 minutes away from food and toothpaste. That’s it – it’s that simple. When others around you come down with the flu, take the capful more often, maybe every day. At the first signs of achy muscles, fatigue, or other symptom of the flu, take a capful three times a day or more. We’ve known folks who have all the symptoms of surely getting the flu chase it away completely with this remedy. It’s homeopathic, so there are no side effects. Some report that they felt ill, took the remedy and felt better within minutes; then, when they felt symptoms returning, took the remedy again, and continued this way until symptoms never came back. You have to catch it early; this remedy doesn’t work when you already have the full-blown array of symptoms. Oh, and don’t forget the vitamin C, plenty of water, and lots of sleep. From Doni Wilson, Naturopathic Doctor Well, I'm leaving for Florida on Friday and got a really bad cold this past week. Besides doing a nasal rinse, which works amazingly, I needed something more to help clear up my sinuses. From what I've read on www.earthclinic.com, this Tomato Tea Recipe works fast (in most cases) and tastes great! All the ingredients are well-known serious herbals for their medicinal properties. Instead of V8 juice, I use Biotta Breuss-Vegetable Juice or Biotta Vegetable Juice Cocktail (which is like V8 but all organic). Biotta juices are more expensive but they're organic and that's where I'm leaning these days. When all the ingredients for this recipe are used together they do wonders for sinus/ear infections, colds, coughing and sore throat. They've even found it to kill flu germs and strep throat (with no antibiotics).
TOMATO TEA RECIPE 2 cups V8 Juice (any vegetable juice - preferably organic) 2-3 cloves Garlic crushed (use more if you can) 2 T Lemon Juice Hot Sauce (the more the better, so as much as you can handle) Mix and heat in a pan or in the microwave. Sip slowly and re-warm as needed to get the full effects of the fumes. Let it sit in the back of your throat to bathe it. Suck the fumes through your sinuses and also down into your lungs. Its all natural and healthy, so drink as much of it as you want or need until you are SURE the infection is gone. This is past the time when you "feel better." People often don't have the right ingredients. Don't let that hold you back. Use whatever you have available. Below are some substitutes that may not work as well or as fast, but will still help. I've listed them by their likely effectiveness: Substitutes: V8 Juice - tomato juice, vegetable juice, canned or fresh tomatoes crushed, tomato soup (if really desperate, try another kind of fruit juice, vegetable soup or even chicken soup . you're aiming for high Vit C content) Garlic - garlic in olive oil, dehydrated garlic, garlic salt (aiming for the strong anti-bacterial/fungal effects) Lemon Juice - Fresh lemons, bottled juice, limes, lime juice, oranges, frozen lemonade Hot Sauce - ANY kind of hot sauce works, fresh hot peppers, cayenne pepper, dried pepper flakes (if really desperate, try horseradish, black pepper or even mustard . you're aiming for the highly anti-bacterial/fungal properties of capricin which is found in hot peppers, and its effectiveness at clearing out the sinuses.) Notes:
From Natural Solutions Magazine (NSM):
Psychological stress and anxiety cannot be completely avoided—they are a part of life. Did you know that there is a 50-percent increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD) for people who deal with chronic work stress? That’s a 50-percent greater chance than the average person has of developing CVD if you are stressed at work and don’t change your environment. Stress can further increase the diseases associated with aging, such as Alzheimer’s disease. Before running to the doctor for a prescription to make the symptoms disappear, it is important to identify your stressors. It may be work-related, family-related, or a combination of things. Stress is a reaction. The brain is involved in a person's stress response (e.g., interprets what is threatening) and then regulates how your body responds both physiologically and behaviorally. NSM lists four ways to reduce stress in your life. I have to say, I agree with each one of the four points but have added one more...IGM® sessions! ☺ 1) Exercise. Exercise increases the level of telomerase produced. Telomerase is an enzyme that protects loss of DNA from important end region of our chromosomes called telomeres. Think of a telomere like the protective piece at the end of a shoestring. Studies have found that elite athletes have very long telomeres. 2) Your Social Network. I am not just taking about how many Facebook or Twitter followers you have! People with a strong partner relationship and close friendships have been found to be at lower risk for diseases associated with aging and to have less of a stress response to situations such as public speaking (which can evoke fear in many). 3) Better quality of sleep. The average person needs between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night. People who got a better quality of sleep and woke up feeling rested have, on average, longer telomeres than those who suffered from poor quality sleep. 4) Nutrition. Individuals diagnosed with obesity and insulin resistance had shorter telomeres than others, whereas those who consumed a diet containing antioxidants and added supplements such as omega 3s had longer telomeres. **5) IGM® Acupressure sessions. Having regular IGM® sessions (one or more times a month) will help keep your body balanced and your meridians open especially if you are stressed. When Chi (Energy) flows freely through the meridians, the body is balanced and healthy. If the energy becomes blocked, stagnated or weakened, it can result in physical, mental or emotional ill health. An imbalance in a person's body can result from inappropriate emotional responses such as: excess anger, over-excitement, self-pity, deep grief and fear. (How many of us have felt that before?) Environmental factors such as cold, damp/humidity, wind, dryness, and heat can also cause imbalance so as factors such as wrong diet, too much sex (don't laugh - it can be a problem), overwork and too much exercise. (Holistic Online)** The lesson to take from this is that if we can embrace these preventive measures, we can increase our body’s resilience. As resilience increases, so does our ability to age well. "During all the years that we grow up, we make countless agreements with ourselves, with society, with everybody around us. But the most important agreements are the ones we make with ourselves by understanding the symbols we learned. The symbols are telling us what we believe about ourselves; they're telling us what we are and what we are not, what is possible and what is impossible. The voice of knowledge is telling us everything that we know, but who tells us if what we know is the truth?
When we go to grammar school, high school and college, we acquire a lot of knowledge, but what do we really know? Do we master the truth? No, we master a language, a symbology, and that symbology is only the truth because we agree, not because it's really the truth. Wherever we are born, whatever language we learn to speak, we find that almost everything we know is really about agreements, beginning with the symbols we learn." As we age preventing a stroke, among other diseases, becomes very important. In my computer business where I teach at nursing homes, there are many men and women who have suffered strokes early in their lives. We all fear strokes. Here's some information which might just help you make one small change in your diet. Another reason a Mediterranean diet is a good one. More on that later!
"Recently, in a publication in Neurology, they found that aging increases the chance for stroke. Current research finds that olive oil is a major contributor in stroke prevention. Those with high-intake levels can reduce their risk by more than 40 percent. The study, published in Neurology, followed 7,625 people divided into three groups, with “no use,” “moderate use,” and “intensive use” of olive oil in their diets. The findings showed that those who used olive oil in their cooking had a 41-percent lower risk of stroke than those with no use, while the participants with the highest levels of plasma oleic acid (a monounsaturated omega-9 fatty acid found at high levels in olive oil) had a 73-percent reduction in the risk of stroke." From Alternative Magazine Every 20 seconds, your blood completes a cycle through more than 60,000 miles of blood vessels (arteries, veins, and capillaries), circulating through every tissue and organ in your body. At the center of this vital process beats the powerhouse that is your heart. Weighing between 8 to 10 ounces on average, this miraculous organ beats around 100,000 times and pumps approximately 1,980 gallons of oxygen-rich blood through your body each and every day. Once the blood is ready to be reoxygenated, it moves through your veins back to your heart, and then on to your lungs. This process runs continuously each and every minute throughout your life.
Cued by the endocrine system, the heart reacts quickly to physical and emotional stimuli, helping us handle stress in the heat of the moment. It provides us with the strongest and most immediate feedback regarding our internal health, and yet for many Americans, heart disease seems to take them by surprise. So why not take care of this delicate yet powerful organ? Ladies? Approximately 500,000 women (yes just women) die each year of heart disease. Common symptoms of heart disease (watch for them!): -- chest pain -- shortness of breath -- pain in one or both arms (especially the left arm) -- pain in the upper back, neck, shoulder blade or jaw -- sweating -- fatigue -- indigestion or vomiting for no apparent reason -- in men, inability to achieve or maintain a firm erection In women, they are more likely to experience what are known as “atypical warning signs.” Such symptoms include pain in the back, neck or jaw; nausea; vomiting; indigestion; weakness; unexplained fatigue; dizziness or lightheadedness; and sleep disturbances. If you experience any of them, seek prompt medical help. Some amazing statistics about heart disease. $316.4 Billion - The cost of heart disease ih the US in 2010 255 million prescriptions dispensed to lower LDL cholesterol in 2010. $18.7 Billion - Cost of cholesterol-lowering medications From Alternative Medicine - Oct 2011 Every 20 seconds, your blood completes a cycle through more than 60,000 miles of blood vessels (arteries, veins, and capillaries), circulating through every tissue and organ in your body. At the center of this vital process beats the powerhouse that is your heart. Weighing between 8 to 10 ounces on average, this miraculous organ beats around 100,000 times and pumps approximately 1,980 gallons of oxygen-rich
blood through your body each and every day. Once the blood is ready to be reoxygenated, it moves through your veins back to your heart, and then on to your lungs. This process runs continuously each and every minute throughout your life. Cued by the endocrine system, the heart reacts quickly to physical and emotional stimuli, helping us handle stress in the heat of the moment. It provides us with the strongest and most immediate feedback regarding our internal health, and yet for many Americans, heart disease seems to take them by surprise. So why not take care of this delicate yet powerful organ? Ladies? Approximately 500,000 women (yes just women) die each year of heart disease. Common symptoms of heart disease (watch for them!): -- chest pain -- shortness of breath -- pain in one or both arms (especially the left arm) -- pain in the upper back, neck, shoulder blade or jaw -- sweating -- fatigue -- indigestion or vomiting for no apparent reason -- in men, inability to achieve or maintain a firm erection In women, they are more likely to experience what are known as “atypical warning signs.” Such symptoms include pain in the back, neck or jaw; nausea; vomiting; indigestion; weakness; unexplained fatigue; dizziness or lightheadedness; and sleep disturbances. If you experience any of them, seek prompt medical help. Some amazing statistics about heart disease. $316.4 Billion - The cost of heart disease ih the US in 2010 255 million prescriptions dispensed to lower LDL cholesterol in 2010. $18.7 Billion - Cost of cholesterol-lowering medications From Alternative Medicine - Oct 2011 Squeeze or massage...or ask a friend to do it for you...the tender point between your thumb and index finger. Apply pressure for 10 or more minutes to help ease all kinds of head and face pain. Sometimes you'll feel little nodules while you're pressing. Just keep pressing! Remember...not too hard!
February 2022