blood through your body each and every day. Once the blood is ready to be reoxygenated, it moves through your veins back to your heart, and then on to your
lungs. This process runs continuously each and every minute throughout your life.
Cued by the endocrine system, the heart reacts quickly to physical and emotional
stimuli, helping us handle stress in the heat of the moment. It provides us
with the strongest and most immediate feedback regarding our internal health,
and yet for many Americans, heart disease seems to take them by surprise.
So why not take care of this delicate yet powerful organ? Ladies? Approximately 500,000 women (yes just women) die each year of heart disease.
Common symptoms of heart disease (watch for them!):
-- chest pain
-- shortness of breath
-- pain in one or both arms (especially the left arm)
-- pain in the upper back, neck, shoulder blade or jaw
-- sweating
-- fatigue
-- indigestion or vomiting for no apparent reason
-- in men, inability to achieve or maintain a firm erection
In women, they are more likely to experience what are known as “atypical warning signs.” Such symptoms include pain in the back, neck or jaw; nausea; vomiting; indigestion; weakness; unexplained fatigue; dizziness or lightheadedness; and sleep
If you experience any of them, seek prompt medical help.
Some amazing statistics about heart disease.
$316.4 Billion - The cost of heart disease ih the US in 2010
255 million prescriptions dispensed to lower LDL cholesterol in 2010.
$18.7 Billion - Cost of cholesterol-lowering medications
From Alternative Medicine - Oct 2011