To do this, press firmly into the center of your upper gum just below your nose. Do this for 2-3 minutes, while you breathe deeply, to counteract worry and doubt. Ever notice when a young child sucks their thumb? Many times their forefinger leans against this point. They do double duty because the thumb is the finger represented by worry in acupressure and when paired with GV 26, the worry eases. Now, I'm not advocating sucking your own thumb (oh no...don't do that!), but using GV 26 can help ease stressful situations.
This GV (Governor Vessel) 26 point also relieves dizziness and fainting. It is great for kids with learning problems too. A good emergency point to learn if someone faints or loses consciousness is this one. It can help revive them. It works on animals too!
For an unconscious person or animal, acupuncture will do wonders with a needle in that point but using your fingernail on it works well in the absence of an acupressure practitioner. The important thing is to press inward and upward slightly toward the brain without hurting the nose.