Located on the sole of the foot, between the second and third toes and approximately a third of the distance between the base of the second toe and the heel, there is a depression formed when you extend your foot. This is called "gushing spring" or "bubbling spring" - the Kidney 1 point. It helps distribute water in the body so it's no wonder it's good for the kidneys.
To massage Kidney 1, sit in a straight-backed chair (or on the floor, though this tends to be more difficult), rest the ankle of your left leg over the knee or thigh of the right leg. Then, cradle your left foot in your right hand, while using your right thumb to massage -- with moderate to deep pressure. Continue for 2-3 minutes, and then switch sides. Do you sit and watch TV in the evening? This is a perfect time to do this. Plus, it just feels good!
This point is also good for liver problems, PMS and inflammation of the testicles. It helps to release tension and release urination. It is the adjuster to all 50 IGM Acupressure points on the body so when Kidney 1 is open, it radiates love freely. There are websites on the Internet telling how it is helps deepen erotic pleasure (who wouldn't want that?). Just do a search on "bubbling spring acupressure." You'll see what I mean.
Kidney 1 is a very important point for the elderly. As we age, the kidney grows weaker according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). So, start strengthening your kidney meridian now. Along with holding this acupressure point, warm it with any kind of heat or immerse your feet in warm water for 15 minutes a day - Ahhhhh....