Excessively hot soup irritates the tender lining of the mouth and esophagus thus impairing salivation and peristalsis (which help in the transport of food in your digestive tract). NEVER drink ice water or other freezing cold fluids with meals. It prevents the gastric ducts from secreting gastric juices in the stomach. This halts digestion and permits putrefaction (decomposition) and fermentation occurs instead. So, by the time the temperature of the stomach returns to normal, it's too late for proper digestion to start. If you're going to drink anything WITH your meal, it should be wine or beer since they are both fermented (pre-digested) and actually aid in digestion (in moderate amounts of course). Even the Bible tells you not to drink water, but wine with your meal (1 Timothy 5:23).
Dietary Guidelines
Just as we strive to become balanced in our lives through behavior, thoughts, feelings, so it goes with nutrition. A balanced view of what we put into our mouths will keep us healthy and happy for a long time. ArchivesCategories