~Richard Bach
This quote reminds me of how easy and comfortable we can become but still be in a "rut!" (In the above picture, little Shane may look like he was in a rut, but I can be pretty sure he wasn't bored.)
But unlike Shane, many of us feel that life is boring. Life may have become uneventful.
We aren't smiling as much as we used to.
We don't go for spontaneous outings.
When was the last time you went down a slide at the playground?
We don't wake up excited to go to our jobs, careers, taking care of our families.
We have jobs we don't enjoy; relationships which are failing and becoming mundane...dull.
We spend more time in front of the computer screen than we do outside or with our families.
We don't try new foods so we can expand our palate and therefore miss out on so many delicious foods from all over the world.
Can you imagine...yourself being happy?
Can you imagine...living a life with few or no complaints?
Can you imagine...not being bored?
(Can you imagine getting stuck in the position Shane is in above? At your age? Ha Ha!)
Do you think you can sacrifice any or all these to be happy?
This doesn't mean that you need to quit your job or leave your spouse or break relationships with friends. You may want or need to but that's a choice you make on your own.
Why not start small? Try a new food each week. A new fruit or vegetable you've been seeing in the produce aisle. How about grabbing your honey or a friend and try the new Asian restaurant (I don't mean Chinese!) in town and order something you've never tasted before and share it? You may just find that you can comfortably come out of your shell of boredom and live freely...happily!