One of the tenets of Buddhism is Right Speech. In his book on the subject, Bhikkhu Bodhi writes, “Speech can break lives, create enemies, and start wars, or it can give wisdom, heal divisions, and create peace.”
I believe the first tenet of peacespeak is silence.
Getting to silence within promotes inner peace.
Offering our inner silence to others we stand a chance of speaking peace when we open our mouths.
What is the consistency of peacespeak?
Words like …
I’m sorry …
I hear you …
That’s right …
Peacespeak is affirming of the other to the best of our ability.
Even if we disagree.
Even if we have to say no.
Even if there’s emergency.
To make the effort to use peacespeak is to choose to soothe over incite, to affirm over deny, to accept over reject.
It is to hold the pretense that Divinity itself speaks through one.
Then it is to let our speech “give wisdom, heal divisions, and create peace.”