Through Melissa Costello of Karma Chow, I've been following a few rules which I'm going to share with you in the next few posts.
Sugar is the number 1 addiction in the US. Yup, each person ingests about 150 pounds of of the stuff a year (in any combination of forms) and the more we eat sugar, the more we want it. When you eat sugar, it creates a hunger/deficiency of nutrients in the body. I know that's the case for me. Oh, the holidays...they are especially challenging! Sugar (any kind) makes your immune system go on hold. So, eating all the sugar around holidays causes people to get sick around January. If you are eating sugar and crappy food, you’re zapping your immune system. A flu shot won’t help.
So, here is one thing you can do (and it's an important one) to manage those cravings:
- Look out for hidden sugars with fancy names like corn sugar, evaporated cane juice, raw cane sugar and turbinado sugar.
- Be sure each serving has less than 5 grams of sugar per serving. Look at it this way - If a label says 16 grams of sugar, divide that by 4 and you get 4 teaspoons of sugar. Do you really want that much sugar in some refined bar you're eating?
Watch for another tip next time...Hey, is that a cookie you're eating?